Shane Gives Thanks, Inc.
Food Pantry
"No one should go without"

Photo Courtesy of Erin McBrine Photography
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Shane Gives Thanks Inc, is a 501(c)3 Registered Non profit organization.
The Mission of Shane Gives Thanks Inc is to provide those in our community in need a healthy and nutritious meal through our programs.
As seen on Chronicle, Shane's story began as just a baby, when his Great Grandmother (Nana) sat him on the table, looked him in the eyes and said "one day he's going to change the world" - Never did we imagine that he would start to change it now.
Shane Gives Thanks Inc was started in 2014 by then 7 Year old Shane. Seeing a commercial on the television about starving children all over the world, Shane was saddened to learn that hunger happened in his own community. There the Shane Gives Thanks Inc mission was started!
Working solely on donations, Shane went to his family and friends, and the community asking for a simple donation, and he was able to successfully fill 3500 Holiday baskets year to date.
In the summer of 2016, Shane questioned again... What do the kids at school do for lunch once school is out for a weekend? Does everyone have lunch? It is astounding to know the number of children that did not. Feeling that he could help more than just at the holidays , the Peyton Pack Program is rolling into our local schools the fall of 2016-2017. The Peyton Pack Program (Named after his sister) would provide local school children Grade K-5 a pack full of nutritious food for the weekend. Each "Peyton Pack" would contain, 2 breakfast choices, 2 lunch choices, snack, vegetable, fruit and juice. Enough to sustain a child for the weekend until school on Monday. Each pack costs $9 per student per weekend! At no cost to the school or to the families receiving the pack.
In the Winter of 2016, Shane Gives Thanks Inc now operates the local food pantry for the Town of Carver. Reaching out to more than just Carver in February 2017 Shane Gives Thanks Inc opened their doors to the residents of many Masschusetts towns.
For your first visit you should bring with you
Current Utility Bill
In December of 2021, Shane was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia. Shane fought at courageous 505 day battle, but ultimately lost his life in May of 2023.
Shane's family still remains at the pantry helping those in need.
Shane has been recognized for his efforts in his community!
South Shore Community Action Council Local Hero Award Winner
Kohl's Cares Local Winner
Magnify a Micro business Award Winner
Outstanding Community Service (our town) presented by the board of selectmen
Citations and Awards from:
US House of Representatives
Common Wealth of Massachusetts
Reward for Kindness "Awesome kids for kindness award"
Hula Frog Most Loved Local Charity Award 2017 and 2018
Summer Cran Fan Challenge Winner (Thanks Decas Cranberry)
Plymouth Lions Club
South Shore Realtors Spring Grant Recipient
Project Bread Grant Recipient
New England Patriot Foundation MVP Award
Grants Awarded
Entergy Corporation
Walmart Community Grant
VistaPrint Community Small Business Award
Plymouth Lions Club
Mutual Bank
Cushman Cares and Arbella Insurance Community Initiative